Ready to end the cycle of generational financial struggle?

Ending the cycle of endless debt and financial struggle is never easy, but if you are a couple in your 20s, 30s, or 40s, you might feel like it's impossible.

Thankfully, help is here! Our Break the Cycle guide will help you understand what might be keeping you from building the wealth you desire, as well as steps you can take to end financial struggle for good.

The best part of all is that it's completely FREE - simply click the button below to have it sent straight to your inbox.


"Danielle will help you set and maintain a strong foundation for your marriage and your finances! We have learned so much from her because she has been where many couples are when they find her."


Danielle Davis -

Hello there!


In fact, I created my award-winning blog, Money in Matrimony, as an outlet to talk about the many ways I've failed with money so that you could avoid the same pitfalls. So, I want to assure you that I've been where you are.

My spouse and I, having grown up with very humble beginnings, understand what it’s like to watch each generation work harder and harder just to reach or barely exceed the same level as the last. We tried multiple ways to end our cycle of financial struggle but to no avail.

Our pivotal moment happened when we learned that we were going to become parents after 10 years of marriage. Something just clicked and somehow we knew that we had to create a new financial legacy, if not for ourselves, for our unborn child.

With the help of my spouse, I created a system to help us Do Money Different. And within 3 years, we were able to organize our finances, pay off over 6-figures of debt, and begin building generational wealth.

Since creating this system, I’ve also been able to help millennial couples just like you build financial intimacy, organize their finances, and knock down financial roadblocks, putting them on the path to lasting wealth in a fun and engaging way. These couples are now feeling less stressed, more confident, and optimistic about their financial futures.

If you are ready to break the generational cycles that have impacted your finances for decades and finally build wealth, without being made to feel guilt, shame, or inadequacy, then grab your Break the Cycle guide.

It’s time for a better solution to how couples build wealth and leave lasting legacies for their families.